There's a few more little bits and pieces to do on the lovely Shemara: new sails, take out the old engine. Poke about a bit, but she done now. So here's some photos taken in the Cook St a few weeks ago.
LOA 23’ 6” LWL 18’ 5” Beam 7’ 5” Draft 4’ 0” Displacement 2.5 Tons Working Sail Area 275 Sq Feet Designer: Roydon Thomas Builder: Frank Ballinger Hull material: 1” NZ Kauri carvel on Jarrah. Mast and Spars: Douglas Fir (known in NZ as “Oregon”) Date and place built: Wellington, New Zealand. 1958
Shemara is old but has good bones. Most of the work is in replacing corroded bits and pieces and prettying her up a little at a time. This blog might be of interest or it may not, mostly it is a record of work done and trips. It will be picture –heavy.