I spliced Shemara's old spinnaker halyard to act as a painter. The sponsor's old man is a rigger at Port of Napier and taught me how to splice three strand rope this year.
The little bronze fitting on the stem that looks like a bottle opener came among the random bits of bronze that Andy the marina caretaker gave to me when he cleared out his shed. It's holding a little snubbing line which hopefully will act to keep her riding over the waves when in tow.
The little copper tube I used to line the painter's hole at the stem head came from Milan, who found it in front of his house and sat it on his work bench until a use was found for it.
I haven't attached the oarlocks yet, but that will happen this evening.
Launch party this Saturday at the shed. From 2pm for a 4pm launch.
BIG thanks to Nigel for the loan of the battens, table saw and the band saw; and Mikey for the million clamps.
Time now to twiddle thumbs.
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