The original doors were a bit rubbish so I have built new ones. The ones that were on were ply covered with that laminex fake wood veneer stuff that you see on cheap furniture and stereos built a generation ago. It was frayed, delaminating and faded in the weather. Still, they were pretty good for 50 years old at that. I've kept them for posterity's sake.

I've built the new ones out of solid 1 inch thick mahogany. The laps and edges are capped, also with mahogany, glued with International Epiglue and nailed in place with small bronze ring nails. Varnish is the Goldspar Original. That should last I reckon!
I think they look quite nice. I tapered the capping on the top edges a little to increase the impression of the slight curve that that edge has. You only see it though if you look so that's why I mention it.
I guess one day I'll get around to polishing the bronze hinges (and other fittings) but at the moment life is too short for that.
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