Here are the rests I made for the kite pole. They're made from teak and finished with boiled linseed oil. I drilled little hole to hold bits of twine but then changed my mind and came up with the bright idea of resting them on leather so I got some dog collars and cut them to fit. Unfortunately, the cheap metal corroded almost immediately so, rather than having to check that the person on the foredeck has had their tetanus shot, I've cut the leather back to simply sit in the rest and gone back to the twine.
Almost all teak spinnaker pole rests I have seen end up broken easily as feet and heavy things smack into them, leaving you with a useless small piece of wood screwed to the deck. My design protects against that and looks better anyway. I only had a file and a craft knife to do the
ping so they're a bit rustificated.
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